what a dead nigger of a website
go to panchan.org instead
>still at war with chinny
>now on the brink of war with jaksoy.party
>removal of /lita/ ariving sooner
>site dies
>stardust takes back as site owner
>i become slave janny to star
will we live to see this happen?
this really is a deadleaf.lol
unlocked again, oh and no chinnycucks this time
hoyoot and i plan to ban these niggers of this shit nigger website
fuck you sites closed again, no one can come in no one can get out
shoallykikes are forced to live under bidenflare whilst we live under fair rights and the privilege to post snca
sites back go nuts
it's over
under hoyoots demands we added /qa/ /zellig/ /pepe/ and /giga/, soyjaks should be posted in /leaf/ since its technially the /soy/ of this boards but theres /arrow/ for only soyquoting.
- Leoot
we welcome our new janny, Hoyoot ## Manager