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/Leaf/ - leaf

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Stop by, have a salad!

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>be leafchan
>commissioned by the goy in charge of soyja.cc (codefag)
>codefag retires
>leafy pph :-1
>nothing more then a puppet of a shit 'cord only the owner and hoyoot knows about


if this site dies please give us a new hoster or smthing we cant let it die like this


maybe skajyos would be willing to help


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anyone but xher btw.

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pannykikes keep lying

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'cord banned

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fuck the shemmy bro



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>tfw she looks at your tbp

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bu5t won
shut down this dead shit site(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)



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dead ahh site

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make bu5t admin or i will shut your website down(OH I'M A BLUE ARCHIVE PEDO)


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>Oh i'm a blue archive pedo

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im going back to der 'cord fuck this shit site


unban cunny and this place will eventually have 600 pph(OH I'M A BLUE ARCHIVE SOYLITA PEDO JASSYCUCK)

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total pannytranny death


so we can post lita here now?(NO. )


i gooned to the soylita thumnbnail in your screenshot. can you post moar


Leafys this is your mindset

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