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/arrow/ - Soyquotes

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Stop by, have a salad!

File: 1725596445994.png (150.72 KB, 1900x1837, ClipboardImage.png)


/arrow/ is a soyquoting-only board. Every thread must have only soyjaks in the OP. Blogposting is not permitted here, use /soy/ and or /b/.

File: 1733022603313.png (9.24 KB, 454x520, a24 toad.png)


>Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!

File: 1731804540948.png (43.82 KB, 564x699, squirreljak.png)


>nigga i'm nuts

File: 1730872517888-0.png (5.53 KB, 654x756, soyak double noses no eyes.png)

File: 1730872517888-1.png (6.42 KB, 654x756, soyak double eyes no nose.png)


>What are you looking at?

File: 1730838657961.png (14.79 KB, 600x800, neutralplier (wholesome so….png)


>Stop by, have a salad!

File: 1730016671965.png (70.43 KB, 598x800, 315 - ear smile soyjak stu….png)


>mfw throw poop at neighbor's house

File: 1729176151821.png (30.83 KB, 509x610, im all ears... heh.. get i….png)


>i heard that

File: 1726836652637.jpg (4.26 MB, 3456x4608, d9feea4b7002c3cb2af7baf835….jpg)


>/arrow/ is a soyquoting-only board. Every thread must have only soyjaks in the OP. Blogposting is not permitted here, use /soy/ and or /b/.

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