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* - Ukko

I'm your overboard boardlist. You can put here anything and I reside in templates/boardlist.html
Stop by, have a salad!


File: 1735683655327.gif (508.49 KB, 400x369, 168 - SoyBooru.gif)


we are leaving leafchan in 2024
jaksoy.party won




File: 1735122593112.png (Spoiler Image, 98.29 KB, 850x645, 4238 - SoyBooru.png)


>This site is currently under temporary protection due to a high volume of traffic.


Delete the animal gore thread. It's been here for 4 days >>1049





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the chinny is going to be shut down


can you explain what happend?


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Panny 'p award


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still as much of a deader nigger as it was before
shut it down asap


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dead nigger
go to panchan.org instead


Aw don't say that, this is a sick ni**er baby. Not dead yet.


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hoi leafchan




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i dont moderate/operate this shithole nowadays
i just accepted the fact that this is a dead nigger lol


and besides i post on other imageboards (INCLUDING 4CUCK)
so theres no purpose for this shit site anymore


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has this site gone too rulecucked?


Idk it's my first time coming here in like two weeks


Nah, Soysphere is collapsing, many user leave the soysphere


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not exactly
sharty has the highest pph btw


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All future soylitas will be file deleted, the posters will still be able to post xheir coal, you gotta keep that shit on the jassy or i'll have to rulecuck even harder


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>pansama… please peg my little leafcuckhole… i love you rawrrrrr *nuzzles* o_0
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.




File: 1733202006916.png (1.53 MB, 5000x2239, 4chan anime big big guy ch….png)


r/leafchan won


We did it reddit, we destroyed daisy


File: 1733022603313.png (9.24 KB, 454x520, a24 toad.png)


>Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!

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