If you are NOT skajyos (OR A JASSYCUCK), then you are invited, if you are, GTFO.
Complaining about the site being a rulecucked 0PPH dead nigger baby from der 'cord on wheels is encouraged, we'd be better off removing these shit rules if they want.
Board Rules
This secion is dedicated to each board and their rules.
/soy/ Rules
No gigachads, this is a SOYJAK focused board.
/zellig/ Rules
just post 'zellig
if you dont like it, go to the Zarty.
Light NAZ (Not a Zellig) is allowed.
/hoyo/ Rules
No blue archivepedos, Nioh (also a pedonigger) isn't welcome here also.
Dont make Hoyoot mad, xhe may get leak.
/sphere/ Rules
Discussion of the soysphere and minor 'jakking spaces is allowed, including soycords like the 'naya.